Home-school communication
Communication between home and school is actively encouraged. There are several avenues available to both parents and staff.
Contact our Office: admin@gracemeress.eq.edu.au
To be connected at Gracemere State School follow these steps.
1. Register for QParents – registration process for parents is included in the enrolment pack. QParents is the way to access your child’s student information online and stay connected with the school. Anywhere, anytime you can access report cards, attendance records, invoice and payments details and conduct online payments.
2. eNewsletter – your email address will be used to email the link to our online Newsletter. The eNewsletter is created fortnightly, and will be available via the QSchools app and on the school website -
Calendars and News Gracemere SS eNewsletters
3. Join the Facebook page – search for Gracemere State School and click on our logo. We have a Facebook page which keeps you up to date with notifications.
4. Join Class Dojo - Download the app, search for Gracemere SS. Your child's your class teacher will have connected you. Your class teacher will communicate and share class stories using the message feature in Class Dojo.
5. Contact your child's teacher directly via Email - each class teacher has their own direct email. They welcome your emails and will respond as soon as possible.
6. Phone calls, emails, notes or personal contact. Phone numbers, contacts and addresses should be kept current so that emergencies, particularly, can be handled without delay.
7. Class Curriculum Newsletters - each teaching team creates a class newsletter highlighting the curriculum for the term and term events. Contact details for your child's teacher will be in these newsletters. Class newsletters are also available on the school website -
Support and resources Parent Resources - Class Newsletters
8. 3 Way Chats / Parent Teacher Interviews
Time: Term 1 Week 10 and Term 3 Week 10 by online bookings. This is an opportunity to discuss your child’s progress.A parent booking link is sent home two weeks prior to enable parents to book in. Additional meetings can be arranged across each term by appointment. Please phone the school office or contact the staff member via email to set up a time.
9. Report Cards
Time: Late Semester One
Written reports on your child’s progress will be provided during the first week of semester two, when assessments are finalized at the end of Term 2.
Time: Late Semester Two
A comprehensive student portfolio detailing your child’s successes during the year will be issued during the second last week of the year.
If you would like some more information about Volunteering at Gracemere State School, please contact admin@gracemeress.eq.edu.au All volunteers will be required to participate in a School Induction workshop on Child Protection Policies, Duty of Care, Workplace Health and Safety and Code of Conduct.
All classroom volunteers will require a Blue Card. These may be obtained from the
Commission for Children and Young People and Child Guardian web site
www.ccypcg.qld.gov.au/bluecard Applications are free.