Gracemere State School is a 'Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL)' school we use this framework as the basis for Student Code of Conduct (PDF, 3 433 KB) throughout the school.
The aim of PBL at Gracemere State School is to:
- Support the maintenance of a positive attitude and culture within the school;
- Assist the development of self-discipline, resilience and emotional intelligence in our school community;
- Explicitly teach the social and interpersonal skills which empower students.
Our school community has developed and identified rules and expectations for behaviour to teach and promote our high standards of responsible behaviour. These will reinforce the our rules of: Always PRESENT, Always SAFE, Always RESPECTFUL, Always LEARNING.
Always PRESENT - Narra Yirragu
Always SAFE - Narra Binbi
Always RESPECTFUL - Narra Yadaba
Always LEARNING - Narra Ngudyabay
Positive student behaviour is strongly encouraged by an established whole school positive behaviour acknowledgement system.